Little Doves Christian Pre-School Policies and Procedures


Early years providers must meet all the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well, including by maintaining records, policies and procedures.

As working documents our policies and procedures govern all aspects of our operations and are vital for consistency and quality assurance across the provision. They are available in writing via the links on this page with paper copies available, if requested, from the pre-school manager/deputy.

Our policies describe the approach of operating as an organisation and incorporate current legislation and registration requirements. Our procedures detail the methods by which the policies are implemented. We use the policies and procedures templates issued by the Early Years Alliance and adjust/amend them so that they are accurate to the operations of our pre-school.

In addition to the parents/carers having access to these documents on the website; staff, volunteers and students fully understand and know how to implement the policies and procedures so that everyone knows what actions they need to take in practice to achieve them.

In addition to the Early Years Alliance policies and procedures, which we are required to have in place to meet all the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage, there are some additional procedures also included recommended by the Alliance as good practice.

Adopting, implementing and reviewing policies

If any adaptations are needed to any policy or procedure, it is ensured that it still meets the requirements of the relevant regulations. Little Doves CP has developed further policies, which are not required by regulations but enable a clear direction for any specific issue pertaining to the setting. For example, we have a procedure on sharing the premises with another activity at the hall.

Risk assessment is vital to implementation of many procedures. The pre-school manager ensures that risk assessments as detailed are carried out at least once a year – more if the need arises and will amend or add to the procedures as required. Risk assessment procedures are detailed in procedures, for example, in 01.01 Risk assessment and 02.01 Fire safety.

Please find below all the policies and the relevant procedures for parents/carers; just click on the name of the policy/procedure and the document will open up. A complete set of the procedures is available to read in the pre-school’s Operational Plan, please see the manager or deputy for more details.

00 Introduction

01 Health and safety

02 Fire safety

03 Food safety and nutrition

04 Health

05 Promoting Inclusion

06 Safeguarding

07 Record keeping

08 Staff

09 Childcare practice

10 Working in partnership