Safeguarding Overview
Our designated safeguarding lead is: Pam Biddulph 07756 029105
Our designated safeguarding deputy is: Emma Lambri 07756 029105
Our designated safeguarding back up is available on 07756 029105
Our designated safeguarding officer is: Jenny Walker
Ofsted telephone number: 0300 123 1231
Online safety advice for pre-school aged children
Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children 0-5 year olds leaflet can be reviewed here
For more information go to Childnet
Essex Safeguarding Children Board Online Safety
Little Doves Christian Pre-School Safeguarding Children Overview
Little Doves Christian Pre-School Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy.
This policy is reviewed annually.
We intend to provide a first-class pre-school service, in a safe and caring environment, where children’s welfare is treated as the highest priority.
Furthermore, we are committed to:
- Valuing, listening to and respecting children as well as promoting their welfare and protection
- Supervision and training for all staff
- Adopting a procedure for dealing with concerns about possible abuse
- Encouraging and supporting parents/carers
- Supporting those affected by abuse
- Maintaining good links with the statutory childcare authorities and other organisations
We acknowledge that children can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. We also recognise the need to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary child protection agencies and recognise that no community is immune to abuse. We recognise our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children entrusted in our care.
- Adults will not be left alone for long periods with individual children or with small groups
- Adults who do not have a DBS certificate will not take children unaccompanied to the toilet or be left alone with a child.
- We will seek out training opportunities for all adults in the group to ensure that they recognise the symptoms of possible neglect, abuse or exploitation using Safeguarding Children courses, e-learning courses recommended by Early Years Alliance and in-house training.
- Through keyworker times/focus and circle times, children will be encouraged to develop a sense of trust and independence. We will help them make choices and find ways to express their own feelings. This will enable children to develop the self-confidence and the vocabulary needed to resist inappropriate approaches.
- The layout of the room and outside play area will permit constant supervision of all children
- Keep confidential records
Under no circumstances should a member of staff carry out their own investigation into the allegation
or suspicion of abuse. The person in receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse will do the following:
- Report concerns as soon as possible to Pam Biddulph (hereafter referred to as the designated safeguarding lead) tel no: 07756 029105 who is nominated to act on their behalf in dealing with the allegation or suspicion of neglect or abuse, including referring the matter on to the statutory authorities.
In the absence of the designated safeguarding lead, or if the suspicions in any way involve the designated safeguarding lead, then the report should be made to Emma Lambri (hereafter referred to as the designated safeguarding deputy) tel no: 07756 029105 or the designated safeguarding back up on 07756 029105. If the suspicions implicate all three designated safeguarding leads, then the report should be made in the first instance to the designated safeguarding officer Jenny Walker at or Social Services Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) 0333 013 9797 (out of hours Social services 0315 606 1212)
For children deemed to be “at risk”, the local Social Services office contact is:
Children and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627 and ask for the 'Priority Line'. Out of hours: (Mon-Thurs 5.30pm-9am. Fri & Bank Holidays 4.30pm-9am) 0345 606 1212
Failing this call the Police on 101. Your call may then be given to the Police Child Protection Team.
Consult SET Procedures (Southend, Essex and Thurrock Procedures)
- Avoid discussing suspicions with anyone other than those nominated above. A written record of the concerns should be made and kept in a secure place.
- Whilst allegations or suspicions of abuse will normally be reported to the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up, the absence of these people or the designated safeguarding officer should not delay referral to the Social Services Department
- The Little Doves Christian Pre-School trustees will support the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up and the designated safeguarding officer in their roles, and accept that any information they may have in their possession will be shared in a strictly limited way on a need to know basis.
- It is, of course, the right of any individual as a citizen to make a direct referral to the child protection agencies or seek advice from elsewhere. If, however, the individual with the concern feels that the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up or the designated safeguarding officer has not responded appropriately, or where they have a disagreement with the designated safeguarding leads as to the appropriateness of a referral they are free to contact an outside agency direct.
The role of the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up (and if necessary the designated safeguarding officer) is to collate and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and pass this information on to the Social
Services Department. It is Social Services task to investigate the matter under Section 47 of the Children
Act 1989.
If a child has a physical injury or symptom of neglect, the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up will:
- Contact Social Services Children and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627 and ask for the 'Priority Line'. Out of hours: (Mon-Thurs 5.30pm-9am. Fri & Bank Holidays 4.30pm-9am) 0345 606 1212 for advice in cases of deliberate injury, if concerned about a child’s safety or if a child is afraid to return home
- Not tell the parents or carers unless advised to do so having contacted Social Services
- Seek medical help if needed urgently, informing the doctor of any suspicions
- For lesser concerns, (e.g. poor parenting), encourage parent/carer to seek help, but not if this places the child at risk of injury
- Where the parent/carer is unwilling to seek help, offer to accompany them. In cases of real concern, if they still fail to act, contact Social Services direct for advice
In the event of allegations or suspicions of sexual abuse, the designated safeguarding lead/deputy/back up will:
- Contact the Social Services Department Duty Social Worker for children and families or Police
Child Protection Team direct. They will NOT speak to the parent/carer or anyone else. - Seek and follow the advice given by Social Services/Police..
The Little Doves Christian Pre-School trustees will ensure all workers will be appointed, trained, supported
and supervised in accordance with the principles set out in government guidelines and Early Years Alliance.
The Little Doves Christian Pre-School trustees are committed to offering pastoral care, working with statutory agencies as appropriate, and support to those who have been affected by abuse.
Date: December 2024