Here you will find a list of answers to common questions.

Can I change my child’s funded hours’ mid-term after signing the parent declaration form?

No. You can only change your child’s hours at the beginning of each term before you sign parent/carer declaration form. If you want your child to do extra hours to their already declared funded hours you would have to pay for these. Please see our 09.01h ECC Funding procedure

How long do I need to keep my child away from the preschool after they have had a bout of sickness and diarrhoea?

48 hours after the last episode. Please see our Our Illness Policy here

What can I put in my child’s lunchbox?

 Advice for parents of healthy-weight children - NHS 

We encourage a healthy lunch, we ask that lunchboxes do not contain fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate and we ask that you watch the sugar and salt content of your child’s lunchbox.  If crisps are included, please only a small portion.

Ideas for a healthy lunchbox include: 

Please note the preschool has a No Nut policy.

Can I send my child to the pre-school in nappies?

Yes. Whilst potty training we will do everything to match what you are doing at home with your child.

Can I bring in some of my child’s toys from home?

No. However one toy can be bought in as a comfort whilst your child is settling in to the preschool. Toys from home cause lots of disputes between the children and they often get lost and broken.

What shoes are best for my child to wear?

Plimsolls/Doodles/trainers. No open sandals/flip-flops. Unprotected toes can easily get hurt!

Picking up other children

The parent/carer of the child you are picking up will need to complete a white permission slip and give it to one of the members of staff when they drop their child off at the beginning of the session. If they are unknown to the pre-school staff, the parent/carer of the child will need to give the pre-school and the person collecting a password.

Inclement weather

If the pre-school is going to be closed you will receive a text message from Pam as soon as any decision has been made.

At what age can my child start at Little Doves?

We take children from 2 years old. Children are either self-funded up to the term after their 3rd birthday when they receive the Funded Early Years Education Entitlement funding or children can receive Working Parents Funding for 2 year olds (FEEE2W). This is where eligible working parents of 2 year olds are able to claim 15 hours FEEE per week, for 38 weeks per year, from the term after their 2nd birthday. Please see our 09.01e Fee and payment procedure and 09.01h ECC Funding procedure for more details.  

Are you linked to a school? 

No, we are not a feeder pre-school. The schools our children typically go to are: 

How can I get myself on the parent/carer rota to help set up in the morning?

Speak to a member of staff.