Admissions Policy

09   Childcare practice procedures

09.01  Waiting list and admissions

The pre-school aims to ensure that all sections of the community receive accessible information and that the admissions procedures are fair, clear and open to all parents/carers who apply for a place.

Children on the waiting list are eligible for places once they are two years old. Places are offered on the following basis:


The following forms/tasks are given out/undertaken before or within the first few sessions of a child is starting at the pre-school.

Children with SEND

Safeguarding/child protection

If information is provided by the parents/carers that a child who is starting at the pre-school is currently, or has had involvement with social care, the designated person will contact the agency to seek further clarification.

Parents/carers are advised that the pre-school’s policies and procedures are available to read on the Little Doves CP website.

Further guidance

Early Years Entitlements: Operational guidance for local authorities and providers (DfE 2018)